The Pfadfinder und Pfadfinderinnen Liechtensteins consist of nine units, which actively implement the principles and methods of the scout movement. Learn more about them by clicking on the map or list. Information on their accommodation can be found at scout homes/camping grounds.
- address: Auf Berg 124, Postfach 303, 9493 Mauren
- chief scout: Livio Kaiser
- E-Mail:
- homepage: www.pfadimura.li
- scout home: Scout Home Mauren
The unit St. Peter und Paul Mauren/Schaanwald was founded 1937 by scout commissioner Marcel Sele and rover commissioner Eugen Büchel. Adrian Mündle was their first chief scout. There are no activities recorded between the end of the 1950s up to the mid-1970s. After that, Leo Büchel revived the unit by setting up meetings and camps with the scouts of Schellenberg. Since then, the Pfadfinderabteilung St. Peter und Paul Mauren/Schaanwald has become one of the most important youth clubs in their municipality.
A unique tradition of the unit is the big grill fire, which completes every summer camp. As a part of it, all camp buildings are set up to a bonfire and the participants roast marinated chickens over it with. The unit also operates a self-made mulled-wine stall in the centre of Mauren during the weekends before Christmas.
picture credit: © Pfadi Mauren/Schwaanwald